

In Memory


In Memory

I just received an email from Brad Serls regarding a friend and fellow cyclist that took his own life recently due to overwhelming depression. To help out he’s selling the remaining prints from his photography show I posted about a while back and sending the proceeds to Beyond Blue, an Australian organization that raises awareness of depression.

My thoughts are with his family.

You can see the remaining prints here, at his Flickr set.

L’Eroica 2009


L’Eroica 2009

I cannot get enough of these photos that Camilla shot at the 2009 L’Eroica. I can only hope when I’m old and have seen many miles on the road that I can continue to pull my ass onto the saddle and log more.

Here, Valeriano Falsini, Coppi’s Gregario, at 81 inspires us to be heroic.

Rip Zinger and Me


Rip Zinger and Me

picture by Rip Zinger

One of the days that I was healed up enough to ride, Rip Zinger set up a meeting with Nike Japan to do some shooting of me riding throughout Tokyo. I was still injured at the time and wasn’t really feeling like riding, but Rip is a world-renown photographer and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity!

picture by Rip Zinger

A nice little wallride spot I found. We only got one run in at it though.

picture by Rip Zinger

Traffic was dense in Tokyo. Comparable to NYC.

picture by Rip Zinger

It’s actually legal to ride on the sidewalk there too. Sometimes it’s the only way to get to a spot.

picture by Rip Zinger

Found a nice bank in Shibuya with a pretty steep hip. I got a nice 3 tap off it and a flared out 180 on another bank, a few blocks away.

picture by Rip Zinger, click for full-resolution

This sidewalk made a nice little hip. Perfect for blasting a 180 out of it.

Thanks so much for your time Rip! Come back to NYC and we’ll hang out!

Stills from Anamorphic Video


Stills from Anamorphic Video

see it bigger here

Andrew Gura is a Los-Angeles based director and photographer. He’s been experimenting with Anamorphic video by using his beautiful track bikes as subjects. This first one is of his Carlton flyer track frame.

see it bigger here

Here’s his properly-built, period-correct Pogliaghi pista. Such a nice bike!

See some of his videos here and keep watch for an edit of these two bikes shortly!




I just got an email from Cyclic! In Amsterdam, telling me of an event that’s springing up this weekend!

A hobby and meeting of two creatives that has got out of hand > turned exhibition event next weekend in Amsterdam.
We (Vera & Cheryl) are two biking buddies that thought a diy exhibition about cycle culture would be fun to organise for the biking community here in Amsterdam.

cyclic! is a bicycle » art » media happening celebrating cycling culture. Exhibiting bicycle inspired artwork, design, performance, film screening, styling and a meet up & ride.
One of our exhibiting artists is Mat the Horse whose work I discovered on your blog.

artists exhibiting/performing » Bitches in Control, Brent Humphreys (Project le Tour), Cafe Velo, Erosie, fotoduda, Gabriel Kousbroek, Kapitein Roodbaard (Amsterdam Fixxxed), Lovelilalee, Magieke Jansen, Matthew The Horse, Oorbeek, Vera van de Nieuwenhof, Wheels-on-Fire,Tim Ayres, Vindersloon, Zelda Beauchampet.

Mmmm What Have We Here?


Mmmm What Have We Here?

Love this picture. But what frame is it? You’ll have to head over here to find out! I met Ryan, Maceo and John this past week in Japan. Rad dudes. Drank at their bar and shot the shit. Really admire what they’ve got going on…

Rip Zinger New York City Exhibition


Rip Zinger New York City Exhibition

I hung out with Rip a lot in Tokyo. Such a rad dude. Always riding with his camera in hand and taking us to clubs and spots to ride. He’s got an opening in Tokyo on Wednesday at the Slope Gallery.

Be sure to check it out if you’re in Tokyo! Seeing these pics of NYC makes me glad to be home. Looks great Rip! Keep it up and dude, email me when you see this!




Velo Cult has a nice little post about hoarding saddles. There was a time a while back, where my parts bin had 20 Turbos. 10 were NOS that I bought from a shop in Washington that was selling off their inventory. The rest were various Supers, Gels, Bernard Hinaults and Bios. Over time I sold them when I needed money and now I think I’m down to 5. Now with the re-issue, I feel like I don’t need to hoard them as much.

The only saddles I’m squirreling away now are the Cinelli Unicanitors and the Concors. As long as those two saddle’s re-issues are far-off from matching the originals, It’ll stay that way.

Many props to Velo Cult for the rad post and pics!

Feather Cycles


Feather Cycles

I met Ricky about a month ago through Nate. He was visiting from Leeds and was in NYC to ride BMX. We hung around for a bit, shot the shit and rode a popular spot in Brooklyn. Really nice guy. Kills BMX. Like to the point where you feel uncomfortable riding a silly fixed gear around him ya know? He was totally cool about it though and showed a real interest in track bikes. He even said hadn’t seen people do 180’s down stairs on fixed gears before.

That brought about him talking about track bikes. He said he and his friends were really into riding them and come to find out, he’s got a company now. Feather Cycles just launched and he’s got his first two frames posted.

Throughout the years, I’ve always found that the people who are humble about their work, well, usually outshine everyone. Ricky is totally that kind of person. I had no idea he was such a great welder or craftsman.

Seriously, the bikes look good man. Real good. Totally digging the head badge too. If you’re interested in setting up an order, hit Ricky up here.

Only in New York


Only in New York

This Wednesday, at the Clic Gallery, from 6 – 9pm come check out “Only in New York”. Sue will be there signing copies of her upcoming book, “Street Level – New York Photographs 1987 – 2007”. 20 years of epicness like the photo above.

See ya there!




COG is putting on the 2009 CMWC Tokyo anniversary installation this week. If you’re going to be in Tokyo this Friday night, make sure you check it out. I’ll be there, so come shoot the shit with me. I know Kevin Sparrow, aka the “Boy Wonder” will be lurking taking pictures.

Stoked! Who else is going?

Dazzle Canoe


Dazzle Canoe

I love Dazzle camo. I got a book on old warship’s camouflage a few years back and when I first saw it, I was blown away. So ill. Even though it was used on WWI warships, people have re-appropriated it to fashion, graphic design, graffiti and even architecture. This canoe was a project of Carrie Schneider. Thanks to Matt from Makergo for the heads up!

I really would like to paint a Bruiser like that. Even though Camo has been done before!

Jeff Koons Goes Razzle
Razzle Dazzle

Reg Harris’ Power


Reg Harris’ Power

Track racers are monsters. Even before beasts like Boss and Hoy were old enough to ride a bike, men like Reg Harris exhibited pure power at the track. 4 world titles during his career and a post-retirement championship title in 1974 at the age of 54.

This picture shows the strength he possessed. Just look at that chain slack during his final sprint!