

Icarus Dirt Track


Icarus Dirt Track

Ian does lovely work and this is just one example. Icarus is a frame builder from Boston that has been churning out beautiful frames for a little while now. My friend Jody has had one for about a year and Ian made him those custom aero track drops not too long ago. Another NY’r, Nikola just got an S&S couplered track frame from him too!

Nice subtle detailing here. Nothing over the top. This bike rules. I’d love to rip around a grasstrack on it! I’m sure Lucian will enjoy it!

Dalek and Delta Exhibition at Elms Lesters Painting Room


Dalek and Delta Exhibition at Elms Lesters Painting Room

Delta is by far my favorite artists. Not graffiti or street artist, just artist. I met Boris Tellegen in Amsterdam about 6 years ago. Prior to that, I had found his work in a Dutch architecture magazine. He went to industrial design school and began to explore 3D tessellations and installations.

These are some pics from his and Dalek’s exhibition.

Although both artists’ work appears to have similarities with its underlying geometric themes, it is diametrically opposed “Marshall’s use of straight line and colour is all to do with the “super flat” surface and the ambiguity of the exaggerated optical perspectives, while Tellegen’s focus is on surface, texture and shadows,’ said curator Paul Jones in a recent interview with DESIGN WEEK ‘While I have exhibited both artists within larger group shows, I thought this two-man show would challenge and stimulate viewers’

Amsterdam based Boris Tellegen will be showing an impressive body of new works including canvases, collages and some new 3D sculptural wall pieces from his evolving ‘diversion’ series..

..and juxtaposed will be a selection of American artist James Marshall’s meticulous geometric paintings, including a large scale, site specific installation painted during a recent residency at the gallery.

Such amazing work!

Via Arrested Motion

Real Talk Tom Lamarche


Real Talk Tom Lamarche

DELCO KING SUP. Tom Lamarche kills every bike he rides. One of the few…. Name someone who can kill a fixed gear 700c, 26″, 24″, 20″. Kid destroys everyone.

Edit: Yes, I know there are people better than him. It’s still very impressive.

Pics via Tony Fast

Doneri 6


Doneri 6

DONERI ver.6 from kwast on Vimeo.

The Doneri crew really stepped it up a few notches. The 720 tap was awesome. These guys are moving fast too, which makes the tricks look 1000000000% better. Keep it up guys! Even the cinematography looks great.

Impressed. Big ups.

Doneri 1-5

Condition NYC


Condition NYC

NYC keeps getting transplants from SF. So far, everyone that’s come over to the East coast has adapted quite well. Chris, aka Condition SF was the one behind the still camera lens during a lot of the filming for Macaframa. His pics were posted all over the place while Macaframa was in production.

Now that he’s in NYC, he’ll be riding all over the city, hitting different spots with his camera lens.

Follow Condition NYC’s Flickr here.

Bike Shorts X


Bike Shorts X

Bike Shorts X is approaching. $100 to the best bike-themed film. Not bad right? Get out your cameras and start shooting. The deadline for entries is September 20th with the premier on September 27th at Public Assembly in Brooklyn.

More information is here.

CMWC Tokyo


CMWC Tokyo

The CMWC is in Tokyo this year. Along with the messenger races, which you should register for now, there are art shows and other cycling-inspired events. Kao Art Rush is one such event. T-Shirt designs from around the world.

Check out the information here.

Who’s going? I’ll be there!

Momentum Recap


Momentum Recap

Originally from Massachusetts, Matt W. Moore has brought his fine-tuned, self-proclaimed “Vectorfunk” style back to the state with a well rounded body of work. His signature style canvas work, a departure from the norm into watercolor and collage work, as well as a small series of prints are hanging in the gallery. In conjunction with the traditional works, Matt has come together with Open and Traitor Cycles to present a series of five hand-painted frames, a cycling cap and t-shirt. Please visit the project’s micro-site for a more in-depth look and to purchase select pieces of the Momentum project.
Visit Momentum Site.

Show hangs from August 15th, 2009 to September 15th, 2009.

“The bike project and other skate/snow/surf projects are ideal. I’m working with brands I have a lot of admiration for. I’m immersed in the culture; painting a bike is native to me – I ride every day. I want people to ride these bikes, not hang them up because they‘re scared to ride them. I do plenty of work that can be only hung up. Shred this bike for 10 summers, then hang it up and say it had a life.”

Matt W. Moore / Arist & Designer

“The time and effort to which Matt and Zack have put into this show speak volumes of their love for what they do. This is obvious to anyone who has stepped foot in Open or has been in the presence of Matt’s art. We hold the work done at Open Bicycle, Chorus Gallery and Matt in the highest regard and are thrilled to have been asked to be a part of this.”

Joe / Traitor Cycles

“Seeing a project go from conversation to completion is always great, especially when the outcome reaches a level far beyond what we all first imagined. We hope everyone enjoys it as much as we have.”

Zack & Joshua / Open & Chorus

Massan SF


Massan SF

If you don’t know who Massan is, then get familiar. He’s one of the most powerful riders out there and the only person who makes bombing hills on a track bike look like snowboarding down a mountain. His recent introduction to Macaframa was a hit, showcasing his super smooth and strong riding.

Between traveling all over and riding through the streets of NYC, he’s found time to make a blog. Be sure to follow him here.

MOMENTUM by Matt W. Moore


MOMENTUM by Matt W. Moore

Originally from Massachusetts, Matt W. Moore is bringing his fine-tuned, self-proclaimed “Vectorfunk” style back to the state with a well rounded body of work this weekend. Matt will be showing his signature canvas work, a small series of prints, as well as presenting a project in part with Open and Traitor Cycles – a series of five hand-painted frames, a cycling cap and t-shirt.

Matt is in the middle of a global gallery takeover, you can see images from his last show in Sao Paulo, Brazil here and expect to see him cross the Atlantic for a show this fall. Opening Reception is SATURDAY at 8pm.

Check out the Chorus site, and Matt’s site, for more information.

Handpainted frames, prints, t-shirts and caps will be available for purchase on Open’s site, Monday Aug 17th, along with the photo and video recap.

MWM for Open

Those About to Die Salute You


Those About to Die Salute You

Duke Riley, the artist who did my Behemoth tattoo, has an event in Flushing-Meadows, Queens this Thursday. It’s not a normal “gallery” event either, it’s a naval battle footfight. Duke and his minions constructed boats from the reeds in the neighboring park and will set them assail in the reflecting pool outside the Queens Museum of Art at 6:30 on the 13th of August.

Looks so epic! Good job Duke!

Duke Riley has always been interested in the space where water meets land within the urban landscape and is known for art work that is an idiosyncratic mix of performance art, sailor’s craft and historical re-enactment. Upon QMA’s invitation for an artist residency, Riley’s life-long fascination with the culture and topography of waterfronts, and proclivity for margins – of society, history, etc. – were immediately focused on the decommissioned World’s Fair Ice Rink adjacent to the museum. The sight of the vast oval arena, a sea of refrigeration tubing and white sand, brought an instant association with ancient Roman coliseums that were flooded to stage violent naval battles or Naumachia for the delight of spectators in the Empire’s effort to distract the masses from societal collapse by indulging them with free bread and extravagant spectacle.

Seen on the Street: NYC Bikes and Riders


Seen on the Street: NYC Bikes and Riders

Sasha has an ongoing series entitled Seen on the Street: NYC Bikes and Riders. It’s a great little set he’s been compiling over the past few months; candid bicycle photographs and the people who ride them. This one in particular stuck out tonight. Full spandex, sneakers and no helmet on a GT Pulse. Really amazing shot and I figured with all the female T&A floating around on the blogs lately (just playing Zack!), maybe the female readers would like to see some boy butt. Albeit spandex butt.