Illustration via Bicycle Quarterly
I briefly touched on Bridgestone and Peterson’s role in the early 90’s back when I got my RB-1 in 2008. I’ve always loved the 1993 Bridgestone Catalog, which you can see at Sheldon Brown’s site here, and have always wondered what it would take for a major cycling company to emulate the art and vibes of that great piece of literature. Well, one thing’s for sure, you’d have to get George Retseck to do the illustrations. Retseck, like Daniel Rebour, made a name for himself illustrating bicycle components.
While Rebour was alive in the 50’s, Retseck is still alive today. So what’s it gonna take for someone to step up and complete a catalog like this? Oh wait. All these bikes are steel and highly functional, sought-after pieces of art, designed with cycling adventures, not just sport in mind. Nevermind. Oh well, at least we have this image for our desktop backgrounds…