Here’s a chill look at the 333 Fab AirLandSea. If you missed the review and photo feature of this bike, check them out in the column on the left.

Super Stoked 2019: Gideon’s 333 Fab AirLandSea Kyler Martz Cascadian Rambler
I was amazed at the number of 333 Fab bikes rolling at this year’s Super Stoke Weekend. One of which was this limited edition, Kyler Martz-designed, Now You’re Finished-painted, AirLandSea all-road/light tourer, piloted by Gideon Tsang from Austin. Morgan Taylor reviewed one for the site last year. Max from 333 Fab designed these bikes as a “Cascadian Rambler,” meant to take on all day or multi-day dirt road rides throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
These bikes are made in a limited production run, with various sizing to ensure the rider can get their custom fit dialed in. You can choose from one of seven sizes, with the ability to fit riders ranging from 5’ – 6’5”. The sizing doesn’t stop at the geometry alone, Each individual size has its own specific tubeset with engineered tube diameters to ensure a proper ride quality. How they build up the frames is up to them! I particularly took to Gideon’s build spec, as it’d be close to how I’d build one of these up myself.

Rambling with the 333fab Air Land Sea – Morgan Taylor
Rambling with the 333fab Air Land Sea
Photos and words by Morgan Taylor
Look at the surface of the 333fab Air Land Sea, and you’ll see a drop bar bike that fits bigger tires than most, amazing custom paint and graphics, and components that reflect the very best of what’s available. But dig a bit deeper and you find something that can really only be found in a custom bike, something that innovates and pushes the boundaries, something that’s truly special. The Air Land Sea draws you in. It asks you to look, not to rush, but to consider what a bike might be if there really were no rules. And, you can have one.

The 333fab Air Land Sea Project Looks Super Rad!
Max from 333fab has been working on this project for a while now. He’s calling the AirLandSea an “all-road/off-road” bike, with clearance for 27.5×2.25″ tires and fenders and all the details you’d expect from a custom bike. Handmade in Seattle, the AirLandSea features artwork by Kyler Martz on a sweet PNW-inspired three-color paint fade, size-specific tubing, and seven stock sizes to cover almost any rider.
The AirLandSea will be produced in a limited run of 20 bikes this fall, available as either a frame and fork or a complete build with a custom Ozette rando bag from Swift Industries and a rugged looking new decaleur designed by Max. Check out a few more photos below, and all the details at 333fab!