Bikingman Portugal, a 950 kilometers ultra bikepacking challenge in the Algarve and Alentejo regions, is returning. See the race calendar at Bikingman…

Chasing Fabian Burri
What’s a day, an hour, a few seconds, or a month?
What’s the point of time if it’s still and untouched?
Where are we now, and can it be then?
I woke up that morning from sweat and fears, dreams that fade away in the blink of an eye but a feeling that takes longer, lingers around, just for a while. I had a crash but it left no rash.
I met Fabian over a year ago, in Oman, at a race, he was wearing skinny black stuff and had a lot of tattoos, he had a mustache and looked a lot like bike messengers, or my friends from Brazil.

The Art of Escapism: Bikingman Portugal
The Art of Escapism, an essay on an ultra-distance race called Bikingman Portugal.
So the only question that really matters is why?
Why do you ride more than you like?
Why do you let something you love hurt you so much that you start hating it?
Why do you finish it?
Why do you want to do it again then?
What’s the point?
Ok, you defeated your limits but then why again?
Are you so limited in your own life?
What is the outcome, what is the takeaway but most importantly why do you need this?

Get Lost in the Vastness: Chasing Jonas Deichmann on the Bikingman Peru Inca Divide
Take the Andes, a mountain range that stretches for an impossibly long 7,200km down the West Coast of South America. Chuck in 32,000m of climbing, crazy gravel sections, remote towns and villages, altitudes of nearly 5000m, huge canyons, glaciers and some of the best views on the planet, and you have a heady cocktail of elements that make up the craziest ultra-cycling race in the world. BikingMan Peru – The Inca Divide.

The Night Always Wins: Jason Black and the Storms – BikingMan Laos
May 22nd Phounkhoun outskirts 01435 am
The jungle can be the darkest place on Earth,
at night with just a moonbeam through thick clouds,
vaguely dislocating from the smoke of the melting tarmac,
the broken road,
it doesnʼt break this man,
the sounds came up a little more,
screams and songs from the sleepless jungle,
the law of Laos…

Bikingman Corsica: The Mountain in the Sea
Biking Man Corsica: The Mountain in the Sea
Photos and words by Ryan Le Garrec
Bikingman Corsica is a mere 700 kilometres race, sounds short for an ultra distance race, well, add 14.000 meters to climb, crazy temperature drops, freezing wind gusts, potholes hiding inside the dark, standing cows on the roads and pigs and boars coming along, wandering dogs and all kinds of wildlife. A beautiful tortuous island with no flat road at any point.
It almost feels like a waste to race it.
More from BikingMan Oman
This video follows Jonas Diechmann’s progress during the ultra-endurance event BikingMan Oman. From Sky Rise Productions.