Now that’s a winter fixed gear. Head over to Chari to check out more photos of John Igei’s bitchin’ BMW.

Now that’s a winter fixed gear. Head over to Chari to check out more photos of John Igei’s bitchin’ BMW.
The Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track is hands down my favorite street fixed bike of all time. These rugged machines were all the rage a few years back, when FGFS was still in its infancy. Everyone from Tom LaMarche to Austin Horse and even myself rode these noble steeds all over NYC. But these bikes could still be found worldwide, as far as Japan. Ian’s a bike messenger, or courier, in NYC and this is his work bike. Taking in cues from BMX bikes, his Gangsta’ is a mix of fixed and BMX components, all holding together a well-used street machine. This was my favorite bike I shot while I was in NYC a few weeks back. See for yourself below.
Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.
This was my favorite bike from my recent trip to NYC. Ian’s BMW Gangsta Track had so much soul. So much life and a patina that only a thrashed street bike has. Ride this into the ground man! More to come…