Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings…

Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings…
Bern has a new web series called “Sessions” out, focusing on one of my favorite people in NYC, Squid:
“Kevin “Squid’ Bolger, has been an NYC messenger for 20 years. He has been wearing Bern helmets for 9 years. A icon in the streets of NYC, he has seen the city and biking there change a ton. Squid was a pioneer helping to organize early alley cat races in NYC and pushing track bike racing with his velocity tour. Through earning his spot within urban bike culture he has used his fame and reach to help make cycling more safe and accessible to more people.
He has served as a Bicycle Ambassador for Transportation Alternatives and helped to educate working cyclists on how to ride safely. To us, Squid is family and a key member of our team. He was the first cyclist that backed our product and helped us push our image throughout the world. We are proud to present a window into Squid’s history, his life and his thoughts on cycling, helmets and NYC. For more info about Squid, check Cycle Hawk.”
Japanese saddle manufacturer Kashimax is known for their over-the-top cover designs but this one’s a whole different kind of bird. Check out more photos at Cyclehawk!