David at DSC just posted this bit of radness for sale on his new webshop. If you’re into it, you better act now, because there will only be one made.

David at DSC just posted this bit of radness for sale on his new webshop. If you’re into it, you better act now, because there will only be one made.
Photo by David Trimble
During the Red Hook Crit Barcelona warm up at D’Horta Velodrome, David Trimble shot some photos of the competition. Check out more at David’s Flickr!
From Beautiful Bicycle: Stanridge Speed x Death Spray Custom Highstreet Track
From Recent Roll: Garrett Chow and His FEA Specialized Venge
Social media has done a great deal for the cycling industry. One of which being a platform for people who are movers and shakers, who might have not had a readily-accessible forum before. The two parties involved with this post in particular have created some stellar work in their day and if anyone has the right to have their opinions heard, it’s them. I saw this on Garrett Chow’s Instagram and had to post it up:
“From the paint-booths of @deathspray and @garrett_chow:
Hey Cycling-Industry! With the trade-show season upon us, it’s our guess that a great many in your employ are feeling the annual, dread pall of humiliation and embarrassment with your ‘little problem’: Shit Colors and Graphics, and weak product-offering. That twinge of, “oh fuck, I donno know — just make everything black, red, or white”. And, the tiresome, nagging itch of, “put three stripes on it, and call it a day”, needn’t be suffered nor endured any longer. These ‘strategies’ never hide the fact that your bikes are inane, open-tooling, off-the-shelf death-traps, anyway. And, no amount of voice-conferences, consultants, or Power-Point presentations will ever change this, either.
Adding insult to injury, the small company two booths over, who invested 1/23rd the cost of your ‘clever’ marketing-budget on their talented, appreciated and fairly-compensated designer (and not a color-blind engineer moon-lighting as your ‘de-facto design team’–the one with an iMac and a dog-eared back-issue of IdN Magazine on his desk), is literally KILLING your 2014 line-plan with one hand tied behind its back. Your self-congratulatory back-slapping echoing throughout the exhibit-hall–like so many floundering, dying fish gasping their last breaths–belies the fact that the death of our beautiful industry is precisely where your pedestrian products are taking us.
So, here’s your escape plan for model year 2015: Please, put down the golf magazine just long enough to write an email to: info@deathspraycustom.com and, garrettchow@yahoo.com IT’S REALLY, /REALLY/ THAT EASY! We are here for you –and with love, D & GC”
As someone who also works freelance and constantly finds himself frustrated with the lack of creativity in cycling, I can commend these two…
Photo by Mitch Payne
How could I not re-post this rad photo from Death Spray Custom?
Death Spray Custom is no stranger to camouflage. Not in the least. His latest camo-creation is this ENVE cross fork for Kyle at GSC. It came out amazing. See more at the DSC Blog.
Photo by Mitch Payne
Well, the Ono by Death Spray Custom and Tokyo Fixed. But seriously, that’s a great portrait of a great bike. I know Tracko loves getting weird on his.
If you missed the series, here’s the collective in one short video. Long live DSC!
The newest issue of Steel Magazine will be available mid-March and I like what I see.
Things to look for in Steel 05: Death Spray Custom, English Two wheel specialist custom artist, french artist «Lucky Left Hand» Steven Burke, American filmmaker Lucas Brunelle, photographs of london rider Greg Falski, an exploration in the world of vintage cycling, analysis of the design and the commuter wear, the «the Way I Roll» videos by Peter Sutherland, or the mountain rides of the French RocknRollin team members, not to mention the fashion series by Jean-Pacôme Dedieu, Ronan Mérot, Pierre Dal Corso and Fred Margueron, as well as still life of François Jorez, Louis David Najar and Pierre Mahieu.
Here’s a little teaser of what to expect from the Stanridge Speed team at Red Hook Crit this year. I’m sure you’re wondering why there are magnets all over the skinsuit but you’ll have to wait for the story… Let’s just say Death Spray Custom went all out with this one and Endo‘s delivering the goods.
The final chapter in the Death Spray Custom Formula is not at all what I expected. I’ve been enjoying these shorts, see the rest of them here.
I was beginning to wonder when the next video from Death Spray Custom was going to hit their blog. More of life’s great lessons brought to you in under 20 seconds.
I think this has been my favorite non-bike related series I’ve seen. Death Spray Custom is absolutely killing it in under 20 seconds.
Oh man. That gas can. Keep these coming Death Spray!
From what Google tells me, the title for the latest Death Spray Custom video translates to “imagination”.
This photo is incredible and I’m pretty close to buying one. I love Kubrick and I love Death Spray. Check the details out:
“There are a very limited DSC Too Fast To Live helmet prints available for a charitable cause.
Created as a homage to Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket poster for a DSC mini magazine for Sideburn.
Photographed by Mitch Payne
13 signed & numbered prints
A2 size (594x420mm / 23.4×16.5in) Archival Giclée Print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag 320gsm Pearl paper
100% of profits donated to Combat Stress, a charity dedicated to help veterans recover from psychological trauma received from frontline conflict.
GBP £65 plus shipping, available here deathspraycustom.com/store“
I can’t think of a better mantra to live (or paint) by. These Death Spray Custom videos are killing it.
Words of wisdom from Death Spray Custom.
These Death Spray Custom videos are getting good!