New from Manual for Speed and Yonder Journal is Mythical State Of, and their Project Y video, following real humans while they prepare for and race the Dirty Kanza. The full project launches May 31st. Read more at MSO.
Manual for Speed Interviewed Sagan
This is it. A whopping 15 Minutes, 20 Questions and 32 Fun Facts with Peter Sagan from Manual for Speed!
“Manual For Speed interviewed Peter Sagan on the tarmac in the Truckee International Airport in front of an airplane and a custom gold Specialized Diverge. We didn’t ask him about racing and bikes because it’s already been done at least a hundred million times. Also its our opinion most of that stuff is either self-explanatory or immaterial. Bottomline, you only have to watch him race once to know that he’s is the most relevant, sexiest, Most Animal cyclist currently racing. No, MFS asked him a series of hard-hitting and deeply personal questions about the man, Peter Sagan. And in response, we learned a minimum of 32 illuminating insights into how the youngest member of the Pantheon For Speed works. #humanathletesvisualvideoshowcase”
Manual for Speed: Dear Cycling, We’re Fans – 2018 Ronde van Vlaanderen
The team at Manual for Speed is back at it, doing their thing, which is; being a fan!

Manual for Speed has a New Web Shop
… and new kits! Be sure to check it out.

New Manual for Speed Shirts
“Venga!” “Hup!” “Allez!” these three words can be heard atop the climbs of many road races worldwide. Manual for Speed’s newest shirts celebrate these timeless chants in three shirts, in stock now at their web shop.

Emiliano Granado’s Tour de France Zine
I can’t even write an intro for this project, because Emi did such a great job with his. Emiliano is half of Manual for Speed and this summer, he’s bringing you a Tour de France Zine:
“OUI C’EST TOUT is a nod to Pierre Etaix’s Pays de Cocagne. Everyone should watch that immediately. My publication is a 20-page, 4-color, 2-D experience that will make you want to punch something while sippin’ on that Perri.

Manual for Speed introduces Liquid Speed T
Charles Williams11Made Up has done something special with Speed. He’s managed to evoke Speed at its most liquid and fluorescent. A version of Speed so fresh that the paint, if this was paint—if this was a painted UFO shaped like the word Speed flying through the air high above the major cities and culturally important sites of the world, higher than the Goodyear Blimp and all the other flying objects of man—would never have the chance to dry. This Speed UFO would let the world know that Speed is fluid, Speed is bright, Speed is exciting, that Speed is forever new! Until that UFO appears, we have an idea of it down here on Earth and we’ve captured it in a beautiful graphic. The point here is that Speed is so fast it will never dry, never be static, never settle.
Available now on Manual For Speed >> <<
P.S. You might notice a few other new items up in the store. While you can buy them now MFS will making much ado about them throughout the week. ;)

Enve and Manual for Speed
Enve continues their limited-edition wheelsets in June with a collaboration kit and wheel package designed by those auteurs over at Manual for Speed. The kit is designed by graphic artist Rob Lowe aka Supermundane and is a visual interpretation of Light Speed. This design is then followed through on a set of Enve SES 5.6 disc rims with Chris King ceramic R45 disc hubs. Personally, this is my favorite MFS design yet! Head over to Enve for complete pricing.
You can also pre-order the kit-only at Manual for Speed and be entered into a raffle for a free wheelset!

Manual for Speed — Surprise ME! Kit — SURPRISE !!!!!!!!
In an effort to better understand the Greatest Spectacle on Earth we thought we’d start by gaining a better understanding of ourselves, Manual for Speed. Who we are and what we are trying to do. How we got here. What used to matter. What still matters. What matters now. What might matter tomorrow. Does anything really matter? If we’re journalists and documentarians documenting the Greatest Spectacle on Earth, are we part of that Spectacle? Are we a Spectacle?
This important idea about Road Cycling is one part introspection, one part retrospection, and all parts celebration of Manual for Speed. As such, we could think of no better artist than Yoko Honda to create what is effectively an homage to our most core-est of core ideas: Spectacle. This kit, which—unlike any other kit in the 2016 Manual for Speed kit season—will be sold sight-unseen, and is a joyous (breath-taking!) assemblage of Spectacle’s myriad colors, wonders, sights, sounds and smells. We wish you could see it, oh wait, you can! If you buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To spend your money, learn more, or just watch this totally excellent Surprise Me! gif in its natural environment go >>>>>HERE<<<<<
MFS Spring Classics: Cobble Gobblers Cobble Goblin’ Cobble Goblins
The 2016 Manual for Speed campaign begins with the Spring Classics. If there is a better way to start off the year, we can’t think of one. And if we can’t think of one, that means one doesn’t exist. But what makes the Spring Classics so classic? Hmmm, could it be that the races travel through ancient and medieval European towns teeming with drunk David Guetta zombies? Is is it the unpredictable and vengeful weather conditions that torment the riders with flashes of sun, wind, rain, snow, and hail? Perhaps it’s the format of the races themselves, one-day winner-take-all affairs where winning means putting everything you have have on the line? Yes, yes, yes—and more. These races are the equivalent of knife fighting over an open grave or biting off your own tongue out of spite. These are scratching, clawing, blood, sweat, and tears affairs. You fail, your bike fails, the weather fails and it’s over, it’s an entire year before you get another chance. All this means that these races present the opportunity for a truly transformative experience, a platform for the uncanny and the beautiful. A true spectacle, and we’re here for the spectacle man!!!
This year we’ll be hitting the Tour des Flandres (Ronde van Vlaanderen), Paris-Roubaix, Amstel Gold Race, Flèche Wallone, and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. That’s right, we’re covering all the big dogs, the Classic’s Classics, nah’mean? Of course we’re not just going to Europe to cover the races. We’re talking about Fan Clubs, MFS Cribz, Chillers, Barricade Butts, Barricade Pups, Casual Baguettes, and everything else you’ve come to expect from Manual for Speed and more, what exactly more is for the time being.
Want all the HOT HOT HOT MFS Cobble Action? Then take the leap.

Manual for Speed: New Space Tape Colors and Speed Tee
The guys at Manual for Speed have just restocked their popular Space Tape in three colors: black, pink and turquoise. Basically, something for everyone. Except you people who roll with all-white bar tape. Also restocked is the newest permutation of the Speed Tee. This round, leave the bright colors behind. It’s time for all-black!
See the full restock at Manual for Speed.

Manual for Speed Loves Sagan!
The guys at Manual for Speed absolutely love our new world champion Peter Sagan so much that they made these killer t-shirts. Head over to Manual for Speed for more information.

Manual for Speed: 2015 Cross Vegas
Manual for Speed has delivered the most comprehensive and fun recap from Cross Vegas to ever exist on the internet. To read a slightly cynical, yet honest review of the race, see lots and lots of photos and really dive into the event, head first, head over to Manual for Speed.

Manual for Speed: New Artist Residency Bottles
If those wild, colorful Manual for Speed Artist Residency kits were too much for you, then how about some wild, colorful bottles? Each artist in the project got to design a pattern which was translated to a bottle, made in the USA by Specialized. In stock now at the MFS Shop.

Manual for Speed Residency Kits – Sigrid Calon’ and Zio Ziegler Kits
I have no way of describing what I’m seeing here, so we’ll just let Manual for Speed do the ‘xplaining:
“The way we see it Cycling Kit is an opportunity for Elevated Personal Expression. As such we’re proposing a complete break from the hegemonic monotony of Corporate Body Advertising. Rather than being an unwilling participant in some Business Company’s fall product campaign, why not express your own aesthetic; an aesthetic that says culture counts, style counts and god damn it, art counts.
What is it about bike racing that we love so much, is it the Chaos, the Color, the Motion and the Trajectory? Yeah, it’s that. So we told these five contemporary artists to Interpret that.”
Sigrid Calon’s and Zio Ziegler‘s Artist Residency Kits are now in stock at Manual for Speed.

Manual for Speed at the Tour de France
The two boys of wander are at the Tour this year and nestled inside each day’s Fabergé egg are a slew of great photos. I don’t know how you plan on spending your morning, but picking up with Stage 10 isn’t a bad distraction… Follow Manual for Speed for another 13 stages!

The Manual for Speed Artist Residency Kits
Manual for Speed is keeping you cool during the hotttt summer months by teaming up with five different artists and allowing them full access to the canvas we call “cycling kits.” The first two kits to be released feature the artwork of Jerry Inscoe and Mike Perry.
Additional kits designed by Sigrid Calon, Karan Singh, and Zio Ziegler are set to be released later this summer.
For now, check out Jerry Inscoe and Mike Perry’s cycling kits at Manual for Speed’s web shop.

YO! MFS Cribz California Edition
“There is no denying that the world’s top cyclists are a breed apart, they are competitive thoroughbreds, human wunderkind graced with nearly limitless physical prowess. What they do on a bike, with their seemingly effortless speed and cagey instincts, is a sight to behold. A sight that creates hordes of ravenous fans and colorful motorcades that stretch beyond the horizon, a sight that fuels respectable economies and liberates the oppressed. These demi-gods are responsible for all of it, a great gift and a great burden, a weight that takes considerable effort to support even for those granted such remarkable powers. Even with all of their stamina and endurance, these cycling phenoms need a place where they can recover, hydrate, and watch House of Cards. Superman has his fortress, Batman his cave, and these real life superheros, they have their apartments, condos, and flats.
In this episode of YO! MFS Cribz, Manual for Speed has been granted exclusive and unprecedented access to the Los Angeles area homes of six seasoned pros to catch a glimpse of their decadent SoCal lifestyles…”
Continue reading and see more photos at Manual for Speed!