

Fyxomatosis: 2012 Melburn Roobaix Kit


Fyxomatosis: 2012 Melburn Roobaix Kit

Photo by Andrew White

The 2012 Melburn Roobaix is coming and like a great event organizer, Andy’s doing all he can to promote this event. All I’m going to say is, if you can make it, DO. Lauren had a blast last year and I’m sure you will too. Don’t be intimidated by Nic’s legs here. She’s not going to be able to attend this year… So you’ll still have a chance at winning the group ride.

That said, the Fyxomatosis Melburn Roobaix kits are now available. Swoop one up while they’re still hanging out.

My Walkabout in the Australian Bush


My Walkabout in the Australian Bush

When Andy from Fyxomatosis and I both decided to carry our cameras on a ride in the Australian bush, we thought we’d mix it up a bit with a “dueling banjos” photoset exchange. In other words, he’d post my photos and I’d post his, while we each told our side of the story (in two posts, here and here). It worked quite well but to showcase all of my photos, I’ve decided to re-up them, just in time for the weekend. This was the most intense ride I’ve ever been on. Two days, over 220 miles and over 20,000′ of climbing on both sealed and rocky terrain. All self-supported and on cross bikes. Bugga!

Look, I don’t care where you live, going on rides like this can happen (almost) anywhere. Granted, you might not find a Lace Monitor lizard dead in the road, 200 miles outside of your town…

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Fyxomatosis: The Dirty One


Fyxomatosis: The Dirty One

Photos by Andy White

Gah. I miss Melbourne. Luckily, Andy’s ability to do brutal rides and still carry a camera make me feel like I was there. He’s also becoming quite the linguist.

“From a frosty start through the fog, to a glorious finish in golden light, The Dirty Gran Fondo served up a boggy delight.”

Check out more from the Dirty Gran Fondo at Fyxo.

The Dueling Banjos: Into Hell and Back – Day 02 Jamieson to Rosedale


The Dueling Banjos: Into Hell and Back – Day 02 Jamieson to Rosedale

All Photos by Andy White

After the first day’s journey into Jamieson, Shifter Dan, Andy and I awoke with empty stomachs and loose legs. A quick breakfast and a chat with some locals, sent us on our way to Licola and then Rosedale. Compared to day 01, day 02 was hell. Each of us broke at some point in the day, which was fine. It’s when everyone breaks at once that you’re screwed.

Within the first 20 miles or so, we were climbing up the Jamieson-Licola road range. Sealed quickly turned to jeep trail and jeep trail disintegrated to seasonal fire roads. You could tell not many people ventured through these parts by bike. In the end, bad decisions on day one, brought about the inevitable. As per the last post, Andy has my photos up with his words at Fyxomatosis.

Check out more below!

The Dueling Banjos: My Side of the Saddle – Day 01 Lilydale to Jamieson


The Dueling Banjos: My Side of the Saddle – Day 01 Lilydale to Jamieson

All Photos by Andy White

Andy from Fyxomatosis and I did something a little different this time around. He’s posting my photos and dictating over them and I, his. We loosely are calling this the Dueling Banjos. So here’s my side of the saddle:

When I found out I would be returning to Australia, Andy asked if I wanted to go on one of he and Dan from Shifter Bike‘s “epic” rides out through Woods Point. I’ve been following Fyxomatosis, since forever, so I knew what that meant. This was a man’s ride. A no holds-barred, dirt and hurt ride. Since doing my tour, I have stayed in the saddle. I had the base miles underneath me but did I have the ability to keep up with Dan and Andy? Nervously, I accepted the invite and the day before we left, Dan took my Milwaukee Orange One into Shifter Bikes for a cleaning.

We left that morning and met Andy in Lilydale. We rode along the Warburton Rail Trail, through flea markets and eventually stopped in Warburton for breakfast. Canadian pancakes, a long black, fresh juice and some pastries. As we were leaving the cafe, I thanked Dan for cleaning my bike, to which he replied “thank me in 30 minutes”…

Fyxomatosis: Carrying the World on Your Shoulders


Fyxomatosis: Carrying the World on Your Shoulders

Since Andy’s in the future, he got the jump on posting about our “epic” ride down under. These rides are a combination of your nightmares and your fantasies. Many have ventured into the Bush, only to have being chewed up and spitted out. OZ is a magical place but there were no yellow brick roads here. Just fire trails, pinch flats, Canadian stacks and bad decisions (for me anyway). The story awaits you at Fyxomatosis.

These are my photos, which Andy featured as part of our “dueling banjos” entries.

Check back tomorrow for my side of the story but Andy’s diction is going to be hard to beat!

Next Week: Dueling Banjos


Next Week: Dueling Banjos

If Andy from Fyxomatosis has taught me anything it’s “you don’t have to post photos right after you take them”. And for that matter, you don’t have to always post your own photos from rides. Next week, we’ll be dueling banjos

Creux Cycling: Liberator Bomber Jacket


Creux Cycling: Liberator Bomber Jacket

This one’s for the Aussies! While I was in Melbourne, I met up with Van from Creux Cycling and we pedaled around for a bit. He was wearing one of his Liberator Bomber Jackets and they just went up on the Creux site. I had a Campagnolo jacket that was very similar, but lacked a lot of the detailing that this one has. The drop-down flap, shown in the second photo is great because you can tuck it up into the jacket when you’re off the bike. Overall, this is a very stylish piece, with solid construction. It comes in an all-black version and one with cyan accents.

See more at Creux and if you’re in Melbourne, pick one up at NorthSide Wheelers!

Saint Cloud: New Kits Now Available


Saint Cloud: New Kits Now Available

Saint Cloud‘s new Capo kits are now available. These are sharp and came out fantastic. Having kits from around the world should be on every cyclist’s agenda. Support Melbourne’s growing scene and scoop each of these pieces up here. Thanks to Nick for asking me to put the “Prolly” logo on the back. Looks great man!




Australia’s a wonderful place, filled with amazing people. This Recent Roll is compiled from various left-overs accumulated while I was Down Under. It’s mostly city shots and photos of vintage cars. Click the photo above to launch the Gallery, or click here to open in a new tab.