Jeff Kendall Weed strapped his Ibis Exie onto his motorcycle and headed into the mountains on a road trip. Check out this video for a good mix of camping and rippin’ the new, sub-2000 gram US-made Exie.
Dosnoventa: We Were Never Born
I always enjoy the videos coming out of Dosnoventa!

Megadelux Interviews Ian Sutton of Icarus Frames
Here’s something unrelated to bikes but related to frame builders. I shot some photos last week of Ian from Icarus Frame‘s recently completed Triumph moto for Megadelux. His interview is now live on their site, so head over and check it out! Usually, I sway from moto content but a lot of people expressed interest in seeing more shots of this beast when I posted my Recent Roll photos earlier this month.

West America Knows How to Spend the Weekend
I seriously hope that Jordan and James spend 2013 in Mexico as planned, mostly because their photos are always incredible. If you’re not following their Tumblr, do so!