A family rides from Eau Claire to the Farm to Fork Retreat for wood-fired pizza.

The Readers Write: the New York Pizza and Dynamo Society
The Readers Write is a short-form feature where readers can write about their local rides, submit photos, and course routes, lowering the barrier for entry with sharing stories here on the Radavist. It’s a new feature we’re implementing in 2020 but have yet to set up the infrastructure for submissions, so sit tight!
Convincing folks to do a group ride is difficult enough during daylight hours in nice weather conditions, but as the nights grow longer and colder, finding a crew to roll with becomes damn near impossible. Enter the New York Pizza and Dynamo Society (NYPDS): A group of cyclists dedicated to exploring some of our city’s finest eateries, exclusively by the light of kinetically-driven lamps.
Life of Pie | Pizza and Bikes Can Fix Anything
Patagonia really delivered on this one! If you haven’t ridden in Fruita, get inspired, and if you’ve never eaten Hot Tomato, make sure you do the next time you’re riding there!
Life of Pie Trailer
Jen Zeuner and Anne Keller own Hot Tomato in Fruita, Colorado, a veritable MTB playground. Patagonia did a great video feature on these two rippers and if you haven’t had Hot Tomato, make sure you order a pie next time you’re in Fruita!
We’ll post the full-length of this video on July 9th. Until then, enjoy this trailer!
Matt Reyes Pizza Ride in NYC
I haven’t laughed so hard at a video in a long time. Good looks Matt and Terry!

Yonder Journal: Dat Moonshine Doe
The South is a magical place, something the boys and girls at Yonder got to experience first hand in their Dead Reckoning series. Head on over to Dat Moonshine Doe to take a gander at all the shenanigans including monster pizza slices, singletrack, doubletrack and tubing.
Taking #PizzaStrava to Another Level
Keep fighting the good (and tasty) fight, Anthony!
Delivery Trailer
If you’ve spent any time in NYC on a bike, Bill’s face is one you’ll recognize. Delivery is a short video that follows Bill around Brooklyn as he delivers hot pizza by bike. I would kill for a NYC pie right about now… THE BEST!