


Santa Cruz Syndicate: Episode 5

For the 5th episode of Santa Cruz’s Syndicate video series, we head to the coincidental 5th World Cup in Mont-Sainte-Anne to witness Ratboy taking the win and the culture that surrounds the downhill circuit.


Davis Phinney and Moments of Victory

I really loved the video of Taylor Phinney from last month and this video featuring his father, Davis Phinney is superb.

“Davis Phinney is an esteemed American cyclist and Olympic bronze medalist. Throughout the 1980’s and early 1990’s, Phinney was a familiar face on the podium, racking up 328 victories (a US record) before his retirement from professional cycling. Diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s disease in 2000 at age 40, he went on to establish the non-profit Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s in his hometown of Boulder, Colorado, USA. This biographical short, featuring appearances by Connie Carpenter, Taylor Phinney and Kelsey Phinney, chronicles Davis’ professional career, Parkinson’s diagnosis, and transition from athlete to advocate and inspirational role model.”

Check out more at the Davis Phinney Foundation.

YO! MFS Cribz California Edition


YO! MFS Cribz California Edition

“There is no denying that the world’s top cyclists are a breed apart, they are competitive thoroughbreds, human wunderkind graced with nearly limitless physical prowess. What they do on a bike, with their seemingly effortless speed and cagey instincts, is a sight to behold. A sight that creates hordes of ravenous fans and colorful motorcades that stretch beyond the horizon, a sight that fuels respectable economies and liberates the oppressed. These demi-gods are responsible for all of it, a great gift and a great burden, a weight that takes considerable effort to support even for those granted such remarkable powers. Even with all of their stamina and endurance, these cycling phenoms need a place where they can recover, hydrate, and watch House of Cards. Superman has his fortress, Batman his cave, and these real life superheros, they have their apartments, condos, and flats.

In this episode of YO! MFS Cribz, Manual for Speed has been granted exclusive and unprecedented access to the Los Angeles area homes of six seasoned pros to catch a glimpse of their decadent SoCal lifestyles…”

Continue reading and see more photos at Manual for Speed!


More on Wiggo

You’ll have to excuse the dump of videos and photos for the Hour Record. I’ve been away from the internet for a few days…