

A Ride Up the 2 Revealed that Newcomb’s Is Closed on Tuesdays


A Ride Up the 2 Revealed that Newcomb’s Is Closed on Tuesdays

The last time I was in Los Angeles, I had one thing on my mind: doing some road riding in the Angeles National Forest. Usually, I’m in LA on my cross bike and we will spend our afternoons poaching trails, escaping to the dirt or bombing fire roads. All of which are wayyy more fun than a road ride, ATMO, anyway.

Still, there’s nothing like a somber ride up the 2 to Newcomb’s Ranch for a burger, a beer and some fries, only to rip back down to town, sated.

Unfortunately for the group that morning, Newcomb’s was closed and I think I was the only one who really ate anything at all that morning. Check out some selects from a Recent Roll. Man, that was a long time coming!

We totaled 80 miles and around 8,000′ and damn, Oinksters was good!

Tools of the trade:
Yashica T4
Kodak Portra 400

Find Me and Win Stuff: SoCal Edition – CLAIMED!


Find Me and Win Stuff: SoCal Edition – CLAIMED!

I posted this on Instagram last night, as a challenge to my SoCal readers who happen to enjoy a lot of climbing. If you find this Jackal, you can win. Just do the following:

-Shoot a photo of it on Instagram, tag it #TheRadavist
-Then, email me the road name and an overall photo of the top of the climb.
-The first person who emails me, wins.

I’ll send you a care package filled with some goodies. You want a hint? I put this sticker up while riding in the Malibu area

Shibby Dude claimed this one! Good hustle man! Email me and I’ll get you a fat care package.

I Just Got Home


I Just Got Home

… and I already wish I was back in Los Angeles, riding these roads. I really have become enchanted with that city and the people who call it home. Some of my closest friends live there and over the year’s, they’ve shown me what a magical place it really is.

Many thanks to my friends back in LA for showing me a good time. You know who you are!



Deux North Hunt 4 Video

Here’s the full length to Deux North’s latest Hunt video:

“Riding up the coast of California from Santa Cruz, Deux North’s 8 riders test a new bike built for every kind of road. After 2 days and 200 miles, the group meets the story’s narrator, El Chapulin (The Grasshopper) to listen to his story, tell their own, and compete in an event that he created over 15 years ago. On the final day. the 100-mile Grasshopper Adventure Series race serves as the finish line for Deux North’s Hunt 4. #SeekandDiverge”

Don’t miss Andy Bokanev’s photos from this fun looking ride.


Deux North Hunt 4 Trailer

Here’s the trailer from the forthcoming Deux North Hunt 4 video…

“Riding up the coast of California from Santa Cruz, Deux North’s 8 riders test a new bike built for every kind of road. After 2 days and 200 miles, the group meets the story’s narrator, El Chapulin (The Grasshopper) to listen to his story, tell their own, and compete in an event that he created over 15 years ago. On the final day. the 100-mile Grasshopper Adventure Series race serves as the finish line for Deux North’s Hunt 4. #SeekandDiverge”

FYXO Presents: Back in Two – Bush Blast Day 02


FYXO Presents: Back in Two – Bush Blast Day 02

There’s something magical about waking up to the call of the Magpie, in a dingy hotel room, with holes in the walls (wall paper peeling off) and to the stench of post-parma flatulence mixed with dirty bib shorts. Now, I know that was grotesque, but it’ll paint a vivid picture for ya.

Personally, I was stoked on our accommodations. For $30 Aussie notes, we slept like logs on a windless summer night. The sunrise looked good and best of all: it wasn’t raining. At all. Yet.

After scarfing down a “scroll” – Australian for cinnamon roll, two tangerines, a pie (meat pie), another pie (meat pie) and a breakfast croissant (ham and cheese), we were ready for mediocre coffee and yellow-tinted water for our bidons. The sun was still shining, so we went off, rain jackets strapped to our bags.

The winter in Victoria can be unforgiving. One minute, it’ll be sunny and the next, a monsoon. After losing a 5D Mkiii body to the Roobaix (R.I.P. baby), I was hesitant to shoot in the rain, so a sunny morning meant more photos and more photos means more “recovery stops.” Even, in the end, that means for hurterer legs. Bugga!

Our day would be packed with hardpack. Lots of climbing, up steep hills, over the range and back down into Healesville. On paper, it looked easy, on the legs, not so much. 65ish miles and 7,000′ of almost all dirt meant we were in for a long day and even longer descents. BRAPPPPP!

Thankfully, the morning light and afternoon landscapes kept my mind off the lactic acid fermentation forming in my quads… See for yourself in the Gallery!

FYXO Presents: Back in Two – Bush Blast Day 01


FYXO Presents: Back in Two – Bush Blast Day 01

A few years back, Andy from FYXO and Dan from Shifter took a 220lb blogger from America on a ride in the Yarra Ranges to which the bloke barely came out alive. That ride broke me and in the process, jump-started my path to personal fitness. If I was going to keep documenting rides like that, I needed to be in shape.

Each time I visit OZ, we do another ride and while they’re not necessarily as difficult, they end up being special in their own regards.

This trip, UpDave planned a route that would take us from Healesville to Alexandra, skirting along the Yarra Ranges and through the Cathedral mountains. There were going to be eight of us in total but as the ride neared, one by one, the riders dropped out, including Dave, leaving Andy, Tom from Rapha, Daniel from Soigneur and myself.

From eight to four? Sounds good to me. I looked forward to the peace, the sun, the solitude, the gum trees, the wildlife and that silence you find in the ‘bush. You know, the only noise you’ll hear all day is the cyclocross tires spitting sand off as you ride along and eventually the word “cunnnnnnt” echoing as the pitch steepened.

That and the cockatoos… Even the giant black red-tailed beauties!

Since it was winter, we had very little daylight and totaled only 66 miles and 5,600′ after Andy’s morning mechanical set us back a few hours. Fine with me. More time to shoot photos… Read on in the Gallery!

The Radavist 2014 Calendar: July


The Radavist 2014 Calendar: July

This is the seventh layout of the Radavist 2014 Calendar, entitled “Light, Mate!”. The camera and location are noted on the bottom left of the document.

I know summer is exploding in the Northern Hemisphere right now, but Down Unda’, in ‘Straya, it’s the middle of winter. We just finished a big ride and I thought I’d celebrate July’s calendar with some proper #lightbro!

For a high-res JPG, suitable for print and desktop wallpaper*, right click and save link as – The Radavist 2014 Calendar – July. Please, this photo is for personal use only!

(*set background to white and center for optimal coverage)

That Was Incredible!


That Was Incredible!

Thanks for letting me go on another overnighter ride in the Aussie bush. It’s exactly what I (and my bike) needed. What a perfect 48 hours… oh and happy 4th of July!

Return to the Bush


Return to the Bush

For the next 48 hours, I’ll be riding in the outer reaches of civilization deep in the Yarra Ranges with a handful of mates. As per the norm when it comes to these rides, there will be ample documentation upon my return.

This trip will be atypical from previous treks, since it’s winter and the weather can change in the blink of an eye…

See you soon!

Road tripping in Southern Utah – Ryan Wilson


Road tripping in Southern Utah – Ryan Wilson

Road tripping in Southern Utah
Words and photos by Ryan Wilson

Utah has always been on a list with Colorado, the Alps, Pyrenees, and few other places that I’ve wanted to go to, but knew I’d never have enough time to do and see everything I wanted to do there. It always made me hesitant to commit to a shorter trip. However, a few weeks ago I saw a small window of opportunity, and finally decided I’d rather see a fraction of it than none, so I took the 6 hour haul from Los Angeles to the southwestern corner of Utah to hit a few big climbs and national parks. The plan was to try to squeeze a couple rides and hikes in through Zion, Bryce, and some of the surrounding mountains in 4 days.


Tallinn Bicycle Week 2014

It’s that time of year! The winter cold has thawed and everyone is out on their bikes…

Tallinn Bicycle Week and Tour d’ÖÖ group rides are activities brought to life by a circle of bicycle aficionados in order to bring different bike lovers together, grow ‘the pack’ of cyclists on the streets of Estonian cities and honor the bicycle as one of the greatest thought and action inspiring mechanisms ever invented. TBW is celebrating the cycling culture as a whole.”

The 2014 Melburn Roobaix


The 2014 Melburn Roobaix

There are enough competitive races, or rides that look like races in the world and the Melburn Roobaix is not one of those events. Instead, Andy and Melody White from FYXO aim to bring people together, from all “rolls of life” to take a leisurely spin around Melbourne’s many cobbled back-alleys and bike paths. I.e. off the beaten bike path…

With over 2,000 registrants this year, planning was essential. Rider registration the day of was streamlined, there were now two route options, with over 40 variations for completion and yes, plenty of prizes, all of which were drawn from a lottery. It didn’t matter how fast or slow you completed your manifest, as long as you did so, you were eligible for prizes.

So… what is the Melburn Roobaix all about? I don’t know how to answer that, other than it’s all about the participants. There’s no overwhelming demographic, not one specific type of bike reigned supreme. Rather, a broad sampling of the Melbourne cycling community attends each year. Commuters, ex-racers, current racers, weekend bike path warriors, enthusiasts, cool kids, kinda cool kids, first-timers, partygoers, costumed freaks, costumed geeks, and yes, even people on Melbourne’s rentable city bikes.

I have to say, after spending over six hours in the rain, following meandering packs of people wearing soaking wet costumes, looking for cobbled alleys, I’m convinced this is truly one of the most down to Earth events in the world. Everyone was more than stoked to ride around in the pissing rain, into headwinds and without a care in the world. The people are what make it so much fun and this Gallery is dedicated to just that: the people of the 2014 Melburn Roobaix.

Many, many, many thanks to the people of Melbourne (particularly the patient drivers), the crew from Brisbane / Queensland I rolled with, the volunteers, vendors, and FYXO for making this such an enjoyable event!

Now if I can just figure out why all “Roubaix-themed” events wreak havoc on my camera gear!

Seek and Diverge: Deux North’s Hunt 4 in NorCal – Andy Bokanev


Seek and Diverge: Deux North’s Hunt 4 in NorCal – Andy Bokanev

Seek and Diverge, Deux North’s Hunt 4 in California
Photos by Andy Bokanev and words by Dylan Nord

In the months leading up to the trip, Deux North’s Hunt 4, we were all focused on miles. Like most of us, I’d done a few big days on the bike before, 8+ hours in the Rapha Gentleman’s Ride or a trip upstate, but never back-to-back-to-back. None of us knew exactly what to expect on the third day, when we would all line up to race the King Ridge Grasshopper Adventure Series.