

Test Roll Contax G2


Test Roll Contax G2

I recently got a screaming deal on a Contax G2 with the Zeiss 45mm and 28mm lenses. The 45mm is arguably the best piece of glass, ever and the Contax G2 has been hailed as the best rangefinder ever, even beating out the Leica models (so they say).

While some will argue a rangefinder should be MF, I kind of enjoy the AF. Once the camera came in, I headed out into the night to capture some of the vibes on the East Side of Austin. Later, I brought it to Colorado Bend State Park on a day trip with my parents, who were visiting from North Carolina. The results from my first test roll of 3200 Delta black and white resonated through my scanner yesterday.

Check out some wonderful randomness in the Gallery and I can’t wait to shoot more with this camer.

The Speedvagen Tank


The Speedvagen Tank

Ok, if I asked you what kind of car a Portland-based frame builder would drive to cross races, the last thing you’d guess is an armored truck. You know, the kind that people drop loads of money off to banks with? Yeah, gun openings, plated steel, bullet-proof glass. The whole works. I think it’s awesome that Speedvagen takes this beast to cross races. After I got done shooting Tom’s Speedvagen, he gave me a tour of the Speedvagen tank.

Mike Martin’s Photos from All Chips on the Table


Mike Martin’s Photos from All Chips on the Table

Since I can’t make it out to every rad event that takes place in SF, It’s nice to have Mike Martin of Mash to offer up some choice photos from the The Bicycle Art & Design of Garrett Chow: All Chips on the Table gallery show and Cutty Cross race. This show looked amazing and these photos will serve the purpose of introducing you to Garrett’s work if you’re unfamiliar.

Also, don’t miss out on a few shots of Garrett’s Specialized Concept Venge road bike after the show photos.

I’m in California with Giro and their New Road Line


I’m in California with Giro and their New Road Line

A few months ago, the people from Giro let me take a look at a new clothing line they’re working on. It’s not race wear and far from commuter wear, something their dubbing the New Road line. To test out some pieces, they’ve flown a few people (myself included) to ride in the Northern California hills and dirt roads.

It’s been a while since I’ve been up in this neck of the woods and I almost forgot how beautiful it is. Almost. So don’t expect a ton of posts from me, the wifi is spotty and there are roads and trails to ride… But you can follow me on Instagram ( JohnProlly ) for more frequent photos.

Martyn Ashton’s Road Bike Party


Martyn Ashton’s Road Bike Party

There are a few things here that are a bit hokie (music for one) but these videos are always fun to watch. Major laughs at the close-up of the rookie marks on his calf. More info:

“Martyn Ashton takes the £10k carbon road bike used by Team Sky’s Bradley Wiggins & Mark Cavendish for a ride with a difference. With a plan to push the limits of road biking as far as his lycra legs would dare, Martyn looked to get his ultimate ride out of the awesome Pinarello Dogma 2. This bike won the 2012 Tour de France – surely it deserves a Road Bike Party!

Shot in various locations around the UK and featuring music from ‘Sound of Guns’. Road Bike Party captures some of the toughest stunts ever pulled on a carbon road bike.”

Randomness by Bike


Randomness by Bike

I love finding a roll of film you thought you lost. This one roll of Ektar was sitting in the bottom of my bag and I had no idea where or when it was from. Turns out, it was in my Contax T2 and I had taken it all over. Indonesia, Bali, along the ATOC, the RGR and finally, Austin. This is all randomness, pure and simple. Check it out below.

Emblems and Cycling


Emblems and Cycling

As a cyclist, I like to have inspirational symbols on my legs. A few years back, I had the Philosopher’s Stone tattooed on my right calf; an ancient symbol representing vitality, youth and the active elixir in the alchemist formula. On my left thigh, a hawk carrying a dead rabbit, symbolizing a predatory fight. Yesterday, I got one of my favorite Emblems from Lucas Jennis’ manuscript, De Lapide Philosophico, 1625 tattoed on my right knee. It’s a lesser-known version of Ouroboros, symbolizing the life cycle and unifying of polarities. The original Emblem had a lot going on, so we simplified the design, making it wrap around my knee.

The work was done by Megan Cates, the wife of a riding buddy of mine here in Austin. She works at Bijou Studio on 6th street. Check her out if you’re in town and need work done. Her linework is impeccable! I’m just glad I have another face to keep me company on rides…




I thought I lost this roll of film somewhere overseas but as I was cleaning my office, I found one last roll from Bali. So I dropped it off to get developed and viola, vacation vibes all over again. These are all completely random and the film crops are all off (gotta fix that setting on my scanner) but they’re all pretty good!

Recent Roll: Portland Randomness


Recent Roll: Portland Randomness

I mostly shot with my Hasselblad in Portland and in fact, I didn’t even remember shooting most of these photos. That’s always the sign of a good time! Check out more Portland randomness below.

Omar the Barber and Vinny’s Barbershop


Omar the Barber and Vinny’s Barbershop

I have met a lot of interesting people on the road. All through bikes. People from all walks of life, with various careers, personalities and ambitions. Sometimes those people become good friends. And that’s how Omar and I became friends. What started as a haircut, led to drinking, then more drinking, some karaoke, bad tattoos (have we even ridden yet man?) and finally, another haircut. Vinny’s Barbershop is my go-to spot for a trim when I’m in LA and it’s not just because Omar knows how to take 20+ years off with an hour-long session…