I love shooting medium format photos at events like Texas Toast. Why? Because it’s fun! And that’s what I did this year with my Hasselblad. Two rolls of film, 24 exposures and they’re up at the Albion right now. Head over to check them out!

I love shooting medium format photos at events like Texas Toast. Why? Because it’s fun! And that’s what I did this year with my Hasselblad. Two rolls of film, 24 exposures and they’re up at the Albion right now. Head over to check them out!
I knew going into Texas Toast this year that I wanted to catch the general vibes of the event and not worry so much about the clicked and dialed tricks themselves. Being here in Austin, there are dozens of photographers who specialize in BMX but one dude I’ve become good friends with, Cody Nutter, has an approach to photography I really admire. His work is far from ostentatious, he’s humble and has a great eye.
With all the other BMX blogs and news sites gathering imagery from the legends of BMX photography, I wanted to give Cody a bit of exposure. Upon opening this file, I was amazed at what he achieved without use of heavy lights or flashes. Even if you didn’t look at my Event Recap yesterday, take the time to check out Cody’s Guest Gallery.
If you like his work, follow his soon-to launch portfolio site here and his Rambling Leftovers here!
Be sure to read the captions on this one.
After a successful first year, the Odyssey BMX Texas Toast Jam returned to the east side of Austin, Texas with promises of more fun. And fun it was. With a bigger, deadlier Gauntlet of Death, flatland competitions, improved street course and a ripping dirt course, Texas Toast brought riders from all over the world to have at it over a weekend.
Even with a rainy first day, the turnout was thousands more than event organizer Taj Mihelich anticipated. The first day alone, over 2,000 people showed up to spectate and compete. It was really incredible to see it all take shape and everyone I talked to said it was the most fun they’ve had at a competition. Hell, most of them didn’t even consider it a comp. See for yourself below and don’t worry, this event is getting a ton of love here on the site. Expect more to come.
Texas Toast begins today! See you all out there!
Friday, October 12th:
Cult’s Talk is Cheap premiere at Shakespeare’s Pub
All ages at 8pm, 21 and over from 10pm on. 314 East 6th st.
Saturday, October 13th:
10:00 AM Dirt practice opens
11:00 AM Street practice opens
1:30 PM Gauntlet of Death Challenge
2:30 PM Dirt qualifying
5:00 PM Street qualifying
Saturday night:
Official Toast After Party w/ 2 video premieres at Scholz Beer Garden
The Hunt Video and Top Secret Surprise Super Epic Video
All ages 10pm. 1607 San Jacinto Boulevard Austin, TX 78701
Sunday, October 14th
Noon Bunny Hop Contest
1:00 PM Texas Round Up Pro Flat Finals
2:00 PM Dirt Finals
4:00 PM Street Finals
Note: this schedule may change (depending on how many riders sign up) so keep an eye on TEXASTOASTJAM.COM.
Flatland riders keep an eye on TEXASFLATLANDROUNDUP.COM