Max from Tokyo Fixed visits Japan every year to see family and on his most recent trip, he visited Cycle Sports Center in Shizuoka-Ken. The photos are rad, so see more here.

Max from Tokyo Fixed visits Japan every year to see family and on his most recent trip, he visited Cycle Sports Center in Shizuoka-Ken. The photos are rad, so see more here.
As far as collaboration jerseys are concerned, this one looks great and the entire kit ain’t too shabby either. Tokyo Fixed and Morvélo pulled together one rad cycling kit, which is now available on the Morvélo site. Check out the full kit here.
Red, white and bitchin’. This custom Tonic Fabrications Vanishing Point popped up on the Tokyo Fixed blog. Head over to see more. That is one balleur build kit.
I never had an NJS track bike and never really got worked up about the NJS stamp but after seeing bikes like Jonathon’s Nagasawa on the Tokyo Fixed blog, I wonder why the hell I didn’t!