Do you know the reference behind the latest Woof illustration? I didn’t. Head over to Woof to see!

Do you know the reference behind the latest Woof illustration? I didn’t. Head over to Woof to see!
I love how creative Woof is. Take this new illustration. So good dude!
This one’s for all the Samson owners. Woof drew up this graphic in celebration of his killer Samson. They were always my favorite Keirin frames, alongside Kalavinka.
I love me some Campy C-Record and Woof!
One of Woof‘s classic designs got a little remix recently. I’ve always loved this piece!
To celebrate Muhammad’s birthday, Gibranos made this illustration for his site, Woof Jakarta.
I always love Woof’s artwork. Here’s his newest piece, entitled “Get a Grip“.
Gibranos, aka Woof has one of the nicest rides in Jakarta (believe me, that’s saying a lot!) and he isn’t afraid to get rad. Check out more at Woof Jakarta.
Woof did the artwork for the new Kagero this year and to show his appreciation for his new bike, he made a quick video showing the build process. Now you know who has the other purple 44RN 144#47 ring!
Gibranos is one of the coolest guys I met last year while I was visiting Indonesia and I really admire his work. He recently re-launched Woof Jakarta, so head over and check it out.
This latest piece of work from Woof needs no explanation. I’ve been digging your new illustrations man! Keep at it.
Gibranos, aka WOOF, posted tis on his Facebook a while back but I never found the high-res image to post. Here he is, with his Pias track bike, wearing the Raidô viking tee. Man, maybe I should do another run of those?
I was very, very surprised and saddened to see this on my RSS this morning, first thing. Woof Jakarta has decided to shut down the blog. I’ll still be watching it though, in hopes it will pop back up.
My man Woof just launched his web shop and included in the stock are these sticker packs. Email Woof for international orders!
I had the pleasure of meeting Woof while in Jakarta. We nearly spent 24 hours a day together and so it was a little sad on the last day when he asked us all to do a “Why do you like riding a bicycle?” video. Here’s the first two in the series, featuring Tyler and Walton. I had so much fun with these two in Indonesia…
Fixed Fest is coming! I can’t wait to be there. What a great poster, Woof.
Woof brings us a little Campagnolo love in his latest Happiness on a Bicycle illustration.
I cannot wait for Rocket Company’s Fixed Fest! The Icarus and I will be there, along with a ton of other people from the States. Thanks to WOOF for posting this up today to get me even more pumped.